Thursday, September 3, 2020

Diana Coole and Samantha Frost argue that social and political enquiry Essay - 1

Diana Coole and Samantha Frost contend that social and political enquiry needs another philosophy which joins matter. Why What issue are they attempting to address and how powerful is their answer - Essay Example Coole and Frost demand that rising real factors in the fields of sciences, expressions, topography, and different orders are adequate confirmation that issue contains increasingly dynamic and reasonable characteristics that recently thought. An exact comprehension of the case made by the two masterminds in regards to the requirement for ontological surveys of political and social requests should start with an appraisal of the new characteristics, which they allocate to issue. Coole and Samantha contend that issue is an abundance and a power. By this, they infer that it can impact activities, exercises, and procedures in the same number of territories as it is spoken to. Besides, the two rationalists embrace the position that issue has some type of relationality and a component of distinction. As per their contention, these characteristics make matter dynamic, erratic, self-innovative, and beneficial. These new impression of issue cultivate elective perspectives with respect to the impact and connection among issue and talks, for example, political and social real factors. Coole and Frost connects fundamentally with the issue of dualism, which makes it risky in managing the social hypothesis. Inside the setting of new realism, the two creators look to dig in the view that the brain is basically a material substance. By this position, new realism challenges the perspectives received by introspective philosophy and humanism, which underline on the duality between the brain and the body. New realism proposes that the body is the object of the brain and the two are not so much separate however relate in one uniform continuum. It is imperative to respect new realism considering the various viewpoints that identify with it. For example, by stressing on the supremacy of the material, this new methodology elevates the issue to a level that expresses different worries that identify with the trait of different talks. Different advocates of the position received by Coole and Frost propose that issue feels, endures,

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Evaluation of the Sculpture Virgin and Child free essay sample

Virgin and Child Scuplture After a few visits to the data work area and strolling through around two dozen unique displays, I at long last found the model of Virgin and Child. She remains on a platform totaling roughly 6 feet tall, yet the model alone is just about a large portion of the stature. There is a bulletin on the platform refering to authentic data. The figure is French Gothic and is produced using marble. She was etched somewhere close to the years 1325 and 1350. It is likewise noticed that the model is a piece of the Samuel H Kress Collection, I expect this implies he is either the stone worker or proprietor of the piece. We can accept from the title that this model is a portrayal of The Virgin Mary and infant Jesus. Beginning from her head, she is wearing a crown that at one time had five focuses, yet now just has four as the back is broken. Each point is intended to look to some degree like a leave and was most likely envisioned to be made of gold. We will compose a custom article test on Assessment of the Sculpture Virgin and Child or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Under her crown she is additionally wearing a hat, similar to a hood nearly, which is indistinct from her robe-like dress. In her correct hand she is holding something which is currently broken. The article in her grasp doesn't expand any lower than her hand and is just around one inch long over her hand. There is an opening in the highest point of the piece in her grasp, as though something once fit down into it and is presently broken. To her left side she is holding a child, which as we expected above is infant Jesus. Both of the baby’s arms are feeling the loss of, his left disengaged at the shoulder and his privilege separated right over the elbow. There is a fissure in the baby’s left leg, which permits us to expect that he was once holding something in his correct arm that crossed his body and rested in his lap. He is wrapped from his abdomen down is a fabric robe, yet his correct toes are uncovered when confronting the figure. In the event that you remain to one side of it, you can see the base of his toes to his left side foot. Her feet are likewise uncovered, however she appears to be wearing a shoe or shoe since her feet are smooth. There are openings on her robe, her crown, and her neck. The ones on her robe and crown were about a centimeter or a centimeter and a half in distance across, and about a quarter to an a large portion of a centimeter down. They shifted fit as a fiddle, some were round and some place square or precious stone molded. The gaps were around a few inches separated on both her robe and her crown. One could expect these gaps once housed a type of valuable stone. There were three gaps on her neck. The one in the middle was extremely shallow, conceivably just a couple of milliliters, however about an inch to an inch and a half in distance across. On each side, with about an inch between each, were two a greater amount of the littler more profound gaps. The detail in this figure was impeccable. There was detail in pretty much every strand of hair on both her and the baby’s heads. The baby’s feet had particular toes which even included toe nails. As the baby’s feet did, her hands depicted detail even to incorporate her fingernails. The two of them had total detail in their appearances, with relative eyes, noses, and lips. They were likewise corresponding according to one another. The remainder of the body extents for her were additionally apparently right in the way that she didn't have larger than usual bosoms, or stomach. As I was on my journey to discover this model in this exhibition hall I had experienced a few artistic creations and figures like this one, for the most part named â€Å"Madonna and Child†. Anyway this one stood separated. Something about this specific figure was amazingly lovely. What's more, accordingly it remained solitary in an exhibition set apart from the others, ideally intended to represent its individual magnificence.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bob and the Troubles of China

Name ________________________ The Odyssey Study Questions-ANSWERS Book One (p. 77-92): 1. What do you see as the demeanor of the Gods' towards men? They think men are silly. They bring most torment and enduring upon themselves. 2. What do you see as the demeanor of the Greeks towards cordiality? They play the job of hosts truly. The Greeks needed to open their house, be charitable, and share their food, and drink with their visitors. 3. How might you describe Telemachus now? What are his qualities? Telemachus is attempting to be a decent host and holds himself to a higher arrangement of standards.He is sickened by the practices of the admirers around his home. He thinks about the qualities and ethics of the Greeks. 4. What are his shortcomings? He has permitted the admirers to surpass his father’s home. 5. How does Athena intend to influence Telemachus? Athena acts like a man, Mentes (Odysseus’ companion) and enters Telemachus’ home. She reveals to Telemachus tha t Odysseus is as yet alive and that he should free the home of the admirers. 6. What sad homecoming story do we know about? How can it identify with the circumstance in Ithaca? The Achaeans’ Journey Home from Troy.It is the tale of Odysseus and his men. 7. Who is Phemius? The troubadour he recounts stories and engages. 8. How does Telemachus show quality with Penelope? He goes up against her when she is sobbing over Odysseus. â€Å"I hold the reins of intensity in this house† (p. 89) 9. How does this identify with the visit of Athena? Athena causes Telemachus to go up against his mom and the admirers something he would not have done all alone. Athena currently sends him on an excursion to discover his dad (Book Two). Book Two (p. 93-106): 1. What is the admirer's demeanor towards Penelope's hesitance to pick one of them?The admirers think Penelope is playing with them. They need Telemachus to confront his mom and either cause her to pick an admirer or show her out. 2. For what reason do they think it is their entitlement to â€Å"demand† that she pick? They want to request Penelope pick since she has been driving them on for more than three years. Penelope has been weaving a cover for Laertes. She told the admirers she would browse among them when she completed the cover, yet the men discovered she has been unweaving it around evening time. 3. What are the two distinct translations of the omen?The sign: two hawks (Zeus’ creature) fly over the sky (p. 98). Understanding 1: Halitherses says Zeus is stating Odysseus will get back in the blink of an eye (p. 98). Understanding 2: Eurymachus says they are simply flying creatures, however then offers his own prediction: Telemachus will be harmed and Halitherses will be fined (p. 99). 4. How does Telemachus react to the position set forward by Antinous? Antinous needs Telemachus to drive his mom to pick and says that Telemachus ought to overlook that he and his mom have been wronged and sim ply feast with the suitors.Telemachus declines on all records. Antinous says Telemachus will bite the dust on his excursion. (p. 102-103) *He allows his to nurture (nursemaid) realize he is leaving to go to Sparta, however doesn’t need to tell his mom till â€Å"ten or twelve days have passed/or she misses me herself and learns I’m gone† on the grounds that â€Å"she mustn’t damage her exquisite face with tears† (p. 105). BOOK THREE SUMMARY At Pylos, Telemachus and Mentor (Athena in camouflage) witness a great strict service where many bulls are relinquished to Poseidon, the divine force of the sea.Although Telemachus has little involvement out in the open speaking, Mentor gives him the support that he needs to move toward Nestor, the city’s lord, and get some information about Odysseus. Nestor, in any case, has no data about the Greek legend. He relates that after the fall of Troy a run in happened among Agamemnon and Menelaus, the two Gree k siblings who had driven the endeavor. Menelaus set sail for Greece quickly, while Agamemnon chose to hold up a day and keep giving up on the shores of Troy. Nestor went with Menelaus, while Odysseus remained with Agamemnon, and he has heard no updates on Odysseus.He says that he can just supplicate that Athena will give Telemachus the grace that she indicated Odysseus. He includes that he has heard that admirers have assumed control over the prince’s house in Ithaca and that he trusts that Telemachus will accomplish the fame with regards to his dad that Orestes, child of Agamemnon, won with regards to his dad. Telemachus then gets some information about Agamemnon’s destiny. Nestor clarifies that Agamemnon came back from Troy to find that Aegisthus, a base defeatist who stayed behind while the Greeks battled in Troy, had lured and hitched his significant other, Clytemnestra.With her endorsement, Aegisthus killed Agamemnon. He would have then taken over Agamemnonâ€⠄¢s realm had not Orestes, who was estranged abroad in Athens, returned and murdered Aegisthus and Clytemnestra. THIS IS THE STORY ZEUS WAS REFERRING TO IN BOOK 1. Nestor holds the mental fortitude of Orestes up for instance for Telemachus. He sends his own child Pisistratus along to go with Telemachus to Sparta, and the two set out via land the following day. Athena, who uncovers her godlikeness by shedding the type of Mentor and changing into a bird under the steady gaze of the whole court of Pylos, remains behind to secure Telemachus’s boat and its crew.BOOK FOUR SUMMARY In Sparta, the ruler and sovereign, Menelaus and Helen (â€Å"THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED 1000 SHIPS†-THE ONE THE TROJAN WAR WAS OVER), are commending the different relationships of their child and girl. They cheerfully welcome Pisistratus and Telemachus, the last of whom they before long perceive as the child of Odysseus in view of the unmistakable family likeness. As they all dining experience, the rul er and sovereign describe with despairing the numerous instances of Odysseus’s shrewd at Troy. Helen reviews how Odysseus dressed as a homeless person to penetrate the city’s walls.Menelaus recounts to the acclaimed story of the Trojan pony, Odysseus’s magnificent ploy that permitted the Greeks to sneak into Troy and butcher the Trojans. The next day, Menelaus relates his own arrival from Troy. He says that, abandoned in Egypt, he had to catch Proteus, the celestial Old Man of the Sea. Proteus disclosed to him the route back to Sparta and afterward educated him regarding the destinies of Agamemnon and Ajax, another Greek legend, who endure Troy just to die back in Greece. Proteus additionally disclosed to him updates on Odysseusâ€that he was as yet alive yet was detained by Calypso on her island.Buoyed by this report, Telemachus and Pisistratus come back to Pylos to head out for Ithaca. In the interim, the admirers at Odysseus’s house learn of Telemach us’s journey and get ready to snare him upon his arrival. The envoy Medon catches their arrangements and reports them to Penelope. She becomes troubled when she mirrors that she may before long lose her child notwithstanding her better half, however Athena sends an apparition as Penelope’s sister, Iphthime, to console her. Iphthime advises her not to stress, for the goddess will secure Telemachus. Book Five (p. 152-167): 1.How long does Odysseus remain on Calypso's island? He was with Calypso for a long time (she got him on his route home from Troy). 2. What is the wellspring of Calypso's control over Odysseus? She is an alluring goddess who is â€Å"lustrous† (p. 155, 157, 158). It is a sexual enticing force. 3. What do we realize of Calypso's affections for Odysseus? She adores Odysseus and spared him. She needs to keep him (p. 156). He doesn't need her â€Å"unwilling sweetheart nearby darling very willing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 157). 4. What will Calypso give Od ysseus on the off chance that he remains with her? Hermes originates from Zeus and requests Calypso discharge him.She offers Odysseus everlasting status in the event that he remains with her (p. 158-159). 5. Calypso requests that Odysseus contrast her and Penelope; does Odysseus react agreeably? â€Å"[Penelope] misses the mark concerning you [Calypso],/your excellence, height. She is mortal after all/and you, you never age or die†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 159). Keep in mind, GODDESSES ARE ULTRA SENSITIVE. 6. How might you describe the creation of the pontoon, and the takeoff of Odysseus? Cut 20 trees and made his pontoon (even more a boat) with Calypso bringing him devices and giving him where things were. It took 4 days. On the fifth day, Calypso propelled him from her island.On the eighteenth day, Poseidon saw him â€Å"Outrageous! † (p. 161) and made confusion on the sea. 7. For how long does Odysseus swim? Three days (p. 164). 8. For what reason does Zeus, in spite of his prefe rring of Odysseus, permit Poseidon to make this excursion such a difficulty? Poseidon is a divine being and furious. Zeus won't permit him to murder Odysseus, yet take out his disappointment. 9. Ino-Leucothea, in the appearance of a seabird, gives him her cover. Why cloak? She felt awful for him, â€Å"Ah poor man,/for what reason is the divine force of quakes so bound and determined against you? †¦ Here, take this scarf [veil],/tie it around your waist†it is immortal† (p. 63). To spare him. He could tie it around himself without burdening himself. 10. For what reason does Odysseus return Ino's cover to the ocean? He returned it to her as she was in the ocean (he dreaded it from the start figuring it may be a stunt of another goddess) (p. 166). 11. Following two days of swimming, note a few periods of dynamic. Does Odysseus achieve his salvage all alone? â€Å"If I climb out, some large comber will raise me,/run me against that cliff†¦ If I continue swimming d own the coast, attempting to discover a seabeach †¦ another storm will grab me up and hail me back†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 165).He required assistance from Athena and Ino. BOOK SIX SUMMARY That night, Athena shows up in a fantasy to the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa, camouflaged as her companion. She urges the youthful princess to go to the stream the following day to wash her garments so she will show up all the more bringing to the numerous men pursuing her. The following morning, Nausicaa goes to the stream, and keeping in mind that she and her handmaidens are stripped, getting it done as the

Drug use and Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medication use and Crime - Essay Example In any case, had he not been high it is likely the eight young ladies would not have kicked the bucket. While Speck's case probably won't be a decent marker of the connection between tranquilize use and wrongdoing, different specialists perceive the relationship. The Drug Enforcement organization has aggregated measurements for a considerable length of time concerning the connection between tranquilize use and wrongdoing. A 1997 investigation of brutality against Law Enforcement Officers led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation demonstrated that 24 percent of the attackers were affected by drugs at the hour of the ambush and that 72 percent had a background marked by opiates infringement. (Taking a stand in opposition to Drug Legalization, Drug Enforcement Agency truth Sheet 7) A long way from being a harmless wrongdoing, Drug use prompts other wrongdoing. The United States Postal Service explored 29 occurrences that brought about 34 passings in a period traversing thirteen years somewhere in the range of 1986 and 1999. Twenty of the thirty-four culprits either had a past filled with substance misuse or were known to be affected by liquor or illegal medications at the hour of the episode. (Standing in opposition to Drug Legalization Fact Sheet 7, Drug Enforcement Agency) Sadly, Richard Speck isn't a peculiarity. Brenda Spencer, a sixteen-year-old secondary school understudy went on a shooting frenzy January 29, 1979. The disturbed adolescent was as often as possible missing from school, was engaged with a few trivial burglaries and had a background marked by sedate maltreatment. She executed two school workers and injured a few understudies and a cop in her shooting binge. (World Encyclopedia of twentieth Century Murder, Jay Robert Nash, Paragon House Page 533) A 1994 Journal of the American Medical Association article detailed that cocaine utilize was connected to high crime rates in New York City. The Office of National Drug Control Policy assessed that there were 53,000 medication related passings in that year. The Vietnam War's loss of life was 58,000 for an eight and a half year period.And it isn't simply murder. As indicated by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics, tranquilize utilize was connected to violations against propert y in 26.9 percent of the announced wrongdoings in 2002. This was an expansion of 2.4 percent from only six years sooner. These wrongdoings were resolved to get cash to purchase drugs with. Of all violations incorporated for the report. 16.4 percent were resolved to fund-raise for drugs in 2002, an expansion of 1.3 percent from 1996 (Bureau of Justice Statistics, Substance Dependence, Abuse, and Treatment of Jail Inmates, 2002, NJC 209588, July 2005. Roughly two of each five assaults or rape submitted against undergrads, the casualties saw the culprit was affected by drugs. Of every vicious wrongdoing against undergrads, people apparent to be affected by drugs submitted 41 percent. (Department of Justice Statistics, Violent Victimization of College Students, 1995-2000, NJC 196143, December 2003) The insights become significantly grimmer when we take a gander at probationers. The main national overview of grown-ups waiting on the post trial process led in 1995 found that 14 percent of the probationers were on drugs when they submitted their offense. Among those waiting on the post trial process 49 percent of the intellectually badly utilized medications or liquor at the hour of their offense and 46percent of others utilized medications or liquor at that point. (Authority of Justice Statistics, Substance Abuse and Treatment of Adults on Probation, 1995, NJC 166611,

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Single Persona of Ophelia and Gertrude Free Essays

Zoe Alternate Ms. Herring AP English 5 November 2013 The Single Persona of Aphelia and Gertrude According to Shakespeare, Elisions didn't require multiple ladies, not to mention two extraordinary ladies. For a bigger scope, the general public wherein Shakespeare composed concurred that most ladies were undefined: ladies by and large didn't hold places of noticeable quality and didn't request acknowledgment. We will compose a custom article test on The Single Persona of Ophelia and Gertrude or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now In all of Shakespearean plays, a small 126 female characters create; of these, Aphelia and Gertrude assume minor jobs in Shakespearean Hamlet, having a simple 169 lines and 128 lines individually. Being the main two females in the play, and with Shakespearean absence of information that ladies could have changing characters, Aphelia and Gertrude figure out how to have numerous comparative attributes. Indeed, they are like such an extent that one could contend, whenever persuaded an Oedipus-complex exists, there is no requirement for two separate characters. Through their connections and conditions, collaborations and discourse, Shakespeare depicts Aphelia and Gertrude as equal characters. Ladies during the Renaissance, and even ladies during whenever period before the backtalk, were accommodating and faithful. Aphelia and Gertrude are no exemptions to this generalization; they inactively tune in and, beyond a shadow of a doubt, comply with their bosses. As Alerter blames Hamlet for bogus love, Aphelia concurs saying, â€Å"l will the impact of this great exercise keep† (1. 3. 44). Before long a while later, Polonium requests that Aphelia stay away from Hamlet, and Aphelia is submissive: â€Å"l will comply, my lord† (1. 3. 136). Indeed, even in Alerter’ addressing of Hamlet’s emotions, Aphelia concedes that, as a lady, she ought not have her own contemplations: â€Å"l don't have the foggiest idea about, my ruler, what I ought to think† (1. . 104). She rehashes this corrupting reality saying, â€Å"l think nothing, my lord† (3. . 107) when Hamlet asks what she thought he implied in referencing a virgin’s legs. In 2. 2 lines 110-113, as Polonium endeavors to raise his fame among the court, he peruses an individual letter from Hamlet to Apheli a, while Aphelia, most likely humiliated, sits back with no contention. A similar quiet submission exists in Queen Gertrude. In 2. 2 lines 19-26, Gertrude rehashes, just more compactly, what Claudia has just stated, demonstrating her absence of unique idea. When Claudia orders her to leave the court, Gertrude says, â€Å"l will obey you† (3. 1. 38), keeping up her appropriate wifely status. To satisfy her new Cubans, Gertrude tries to mollify Hamlet’s sorrowful mind and convince him to â€Å"let [his] eye resemble a companion on Denmark† (1. 2. 69), so the Danish residents may think everything is great with the new political structure. Similarly as Aphelia holds an ability to bow to Alerter and Polonium, Gertrude respects Claudia each time with the exception of once directly before her destruction, which will be in this manner investigated further. They are both â€Å"made flexible by [their] feeling of obligation and by [their] nature as well† (Magnums 1). Notwithstanding their unfair submission to their individual bosses, both Aphelia ND Gertrude genuinely love Hamlet. The main two ladies in the play have a close connection with the hero, one being his mom and different his adoration intrigue. The adoration is verified when Hamlet, honestly or not, withdraws his past friendship toward Aphelia; yet, she despite everything answers, â€Å"Indeed, my master, you caused me to accept so† and â€Å"l was the more deceived† (3. . 118-122), uncovering her messed up heart. Gertrude love, regardless of whether her relationship with Hamlet incorporates an Oedipus-complex or not, demonstrates true as she calls to Hamlet Just before her troublesome passing: â€Å"O my dear Hamlet! (5. 2. 312). Neither one of the females character can remain to have the association between their familial and benevolent bonds cut away. Aphelia can see that Hamlet’s franticness has produced a break between her father’s wishes and Hamlet’s, and, upset by the clear cut off bonds, argues for help, â€Å"Heavenly controls, reestablish him! † (3. 1 . 142). Gertrude, amidst a torrent of verbal allegations, endeavors to moderate the dutiful security; she alludes to Hamlet as â€Å"sweet Hamlet† (3. 4. 98) and, with an end goal to stop his assault, says, â€Å"O Hamlet, thou hast parted my heart in twain† (3. 4. 158). She needs his endorsement and along these lines asks, â€Å"What will I do? † (3. 4. 184). As per David Abnegation’s translation, the need of Aphelia and Gertrude is familial congruity, rousing their activities all through the play. In any case, because of their visually impaired and enduring devotion, Aphelia and Gertrude really want to act deceptively against Hamlet in spite of their profound love for him. Subsequently, when Polonium devises a plan to uncover the stopping boards of Hamlet’s frenzy, he orders Aphelia, â€Å"Walk you here†¦ ‘ Read on this book/That demonstration of such an activity may shading/Your loneliness† (3. 1. 3-47). She promptly tracks with the goal that Hamlet may assume her alone when he stumbles over her. Obviously, Hamlet the sharp ruler he is, faculties her double-crossing. At the point when Hamlet solicits the whereabouts from Polonium, Aphelia answers with a falsehood, â€Å"At home, my lord† (3. 1 . 132). Gertrude additionally won't favor one side in the war among Claudia and Hamlet. She consents to Polonium’ ploy to keep an eye on Hamlet by saying, â€Å"I’ll warrant you. Dread me not† (3. 4. 7), permitting Polonium to seek shelter behind her blinds. Once more, Hamlet finds the double-crossing, murdering Polonium all the while. Not long after, despite Hamlet’s ongoing assault and her apparent guarantee, Gertrude shields Claudia’ honored position reviling the â€Å"false Danish dogs† (4. 5. 108) when the Messenger reports that the group needs Alerter as lord. Besides, Claudia reasons that Gertrude will agree with Hamlet’s should be transported to England and remembers her for his plot to free Denmark of Hamlet: â€Å"Come, Gertrude, we’ll call up our companions/And let them know†¦ Hat we intend to do† (4. 1. 38-39). She doesn't battle. In any case, Gertrude even now clutches the adoration for her child and asks the group in the burial ground to show restraint, â€Å"For love of God, avoid him† (5. . 259). After Hamlet and Alerter fight in Aphelion’s grave, the whimsical Gertrude attempt s to persuade the huge number that Hamlet’s fit, despite the fact that Hamlet obviously grieves Aphelion’s demise, is truly â€Å"mere madness† (5. 1. 271-275). Aphelia and Gertrude vary between their collusion to Hamlet and to the court, and, in the throes, move with guile against Hamlet. These multitudinous and various penetrates of confidence trigger Hamlet’s deserting of the integrity in humankind, particularly womankind. The ones who should adore him the most are the ones adding to Hamlet’s corrupting mental state. However, being delicate of heart and still compliant, the two ladies â€Å"are constrained into strange vices,† ignorant of their abhorrence guides(Pennington). Hamlet’s contempt ventures to such an extreme as to name slightness a lady in 1. 2. Aphelia and Gertrude are made into results of a â€Å"stereotypic wanton sexuality’ (Wellness 1). Hamlet shows his sicken toward the sexuality of ladies in saying, â€Å"The intensity of magnificence will†¦ Transform/trustworthiness from what it is to a bawd† (3. 1. 113-114). Hamlet decries ladies as undependable and indiscriminate saying, â€Å"God has given you one face and you make yourselves another†¦ And make our wantonness your ignorance† (3. 1 . 143-146). His outrage works until he initiates separate attacks on the two female characters. During his gathering with Aphelia, he spits a few abuse on her. Hamlet offers Aphelia, â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery’ (3. 1 . 123). He moreover exhorts that if Aphelia must wed, she ought to â€Å"marry a blockhead, for insightful men know alright what beasts [she] thinks about them† (3. 1 . 139-140). Afterward, throughout his climactic talk with his mom, Hamlet blames Gertrude for â€Å"such a deed/As from the collection of constriction culls/The very soul, and sweet religion makes/A song of words† (3. 4. 46-49). The two ladies are excessively sensitive to take on Hamlet’s cruel words, and they disintegrate within the sight of his disturb. A last connection between's Hamlet’s female characters is their end exits. As the plays just females rot, it is obvious that a factor to their degeneration is their absence of autonomy. Neither lady ever talks without being earlier addressed except for 4. 5. Aphelion’s reason at last falls, and her melodies spill out as though they were the fluid frenzy sloshing in her mind. After Alerter Journeys to France and Aphelia consents to maintain a strategic distance from Hamlet in 1. , Aphelia stays with no comrade. She is â€Å"an segregated figure in a man centric world† (Magnums 1), significantly more so in the wake of her father’s butcher. Gertrude can relate. Claudia, her lone friend, has been illegal by Hamlet, and her own child severely dislikes her. These ladies hold little solidarity to demonstration of their own will. Indeed, even their own demises happen inadvertently, the issue of destined chain responses. Aphelia, with an end goal to end it all, falls into a waterway and suffocates. Her solitary endeavor to accomplish something for herself is beat, Shakespearean method of keeping womanliness powerless. As Gertrude relates Aphelion’s passing, she makes reference to that in tumbling from the branch, Aphelia proceeds â€Å"snatches of old praises/As one unequipped for her own distress† (4. . 176-177). Maybe Aphelia realizes how to swim, yet without a doubt decides for herself to let the water take her. Similarly, Gertrude is ki

where the red fern grows :: essays research papers

In the story, Billy was strolling home one day when there was a pooch battle in the partner and he went to research to perceive what was happening and there was a lot of dog’s whipping on one canine so he chose to get included and split it up. They all dispersed away when they saw him coming. The pooch that was getting beat up and was lying on the ground and it was harmed. He went to the pooch and saw it was a delightful dog hound. He additionally saw that the canine wasn’t hurt that awful, simply frightened.      When Billy was a kid he constantly needed a couple of dog hounds. Be that as it may, as much as he needed a couple of dogs he didn't get them. From time to time he would hear the neighboring pooches calling treed to their lords, and their lords challenging back to them to tell the dog that they were in transit. This urged Billy to need a dog much more. His father disclosed to him one day that his grandpa needed to see him soon. When he got to his granddad, his granddad disclosed to him that he had seen a promotion in the paper for some dog hound little guys. So he proceeded to get an old tin can and began placing cash in it that he produced using working in the fields. Throughout the following year he had set aside up enough cash to purchase his dog hound. He climbed over the mountains to the closest town post office in light of the fact that that’s where his canines where going to be until he gotten them. He got to the mail station and put them in a potato sack pack and set out toward home. His grandpa had given him a coon trap so he could prepare his canines. He named his mutts Little Anne and Old Dan. When chasing season had come he had his mutts prepared and all set. The main night they treed their first ringtail coon. He cleaned the coon and took it to his granddad for cash. He gave the cash to his dad. After about a year his canines had gotten truly adept at chasing. The neighboring children imagined that their canines were the best mutts. He revealed to them that his canines could get any coon. So they tested him believing that they would get five dollars out of him.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Act Utilitarianism And Justice - Free Essay Example

Act Utilitarianism and Justice John Stewart Mill defines Utility as pleasure itself, and the absence of pain. Utility can also be defined by the Greatest Happiness Principle. This principle is defined as actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure (Mill 365). By this definition, pleasure and the absence of pain are the only desirable ends, and the only things that are good. This concludes that actions are only good when they result in a higher level of general happiness for the majority of people, and bad when the action decreases that level of happiness. Actions are determined right or wrong in Utilitarianism by what action produces the greatest overall happiness for the greatest number.A distinguishing characteristic of Utilitarianism is that it is impartiality and agent-neutrality. Impartiality and agent-neutrality meaning everyone must be consider equal and everyones happiness is equally important. Utilitarianism relies on the idea that consequences of actions determines whether something is right or wrong, or just or unjust. Everyone affected by an action is taken into account, and the action is then determined good or bad based on the consequences of that action. Utilitarianism can be broken down into two types; act and rule. Act ut ilitarians determine an action is good or bad based on the consequences of that action alone and varies circumstance to circumstance. In contrast, rule utilitarians believe that actions are morally correct only if the rules put in place lead to the greatest happiness. An argument against act utilitarianism is that it does not possess a fundamental moral significance on justice. Justice can be defined as, giving a person what he or she deserves, in more traditional terms, giving each person his or her due (Velasquez et al. 1). To know what is just and unjust we must know and understand our human and legal rights, have equality, and fairness. Those who understand and know their rights knows an action is unjust if that action violates their human or legal rights.. For example, being convicted for a crime and put in prison without being found guilty of a crime would violate our legal rights and would be easily deemed as unjust. Similarly, if two different people committed the same exact crime but one was allowed to go home without punishment, and other goes to prison would be deemed as unjust because the lack of equality, and fairness. Act utilitarians can determine the correctness of an action by one simple question, Does this particular action maxim ize happiness? Yes? Then the actions is considered morally correct. There are many circumstances when just actions do lead to optimum happiness. However, there are many situation when unjust actions could lead to most happiness. According to act utilitarianism, it would be permissible for Americans to kill all Japanese people living in America if there are more Americans and if they would all be extremely happy if all Japanese people were dead. This is an action that we as humans would normally say is morally impermissible, but can be deemed permissible by the reasoning of act utilitarianism. If act utilitarianism is a correct moral theory then it must also mean that it is acceptable to violate someones legal and human rights in various circumstances. This argument can be illustrated by the following scenario. Suppose a healthy young pizza delivery girl walks into a hospital to deliver a pizza to a patients family. At the same hospital there are five patients all in need of different organ transplants. If the five patients do not receive the organ transplants within the next day they will all die. The doctor of these five patients comes in contact with this pizza delivery girl and realizes shes a match for all five of his patients and decides to kill her for her organs in order to save the lives of his five sick patients. Act utilitarians would deem this permissible and the morally correct thing to do. Although the doctor killed a healthy innocent person, the majority of people would be happier and benefit from this action. If these types of scenarios occured in a universal world, nobody would ever go near a hospital ever again. In addition, people would constantly be living in fear of being killed off for the benefit of others ha ppiness. These type of unjust actions are sanctioned by the beliefs of act utilitarianism, even though they violate basic human rights. Similar to the hospital scenario example, similar concepts can applied with personal possessions, property, school systems, government, and the list goes on. Act utilitarianism implies that a certain action is morally right or wrong if it simply promotes more happiness for the greatest number of people. Act Utilitarianism favors happiness over justice, and in a universal world the beliefs and concepts of act utilitarianism could never be possible. Because act utilitarianism permits unjust actions that conflict with deeply held moral beliefs, act utilitarianism can deemed as a flawed moral theory. Act utilitarian reasoning is consequence based, but we must also think about other moral principles. Moral principles such as human rights, and how our choices and judgments reflects on us. Consequences matter and are a large part of morality, but morality is much more then only the consequences of our actions. Work Cited Mill, John, Utilitarianism Ethics history, theory and contemporary issues. Cahn, Steven M., and Peter J. Markie.Crane Library at the University of British Columbia, 2010. Velasquez, Manuel, et al. Justice and Fairness.Markkula Center for Applied Ethics,

Friday, June 5, 2020

Employer Branding - Free Essay Example

Employer Branding 1.0 Introduction: Employer Branding is the most critical people management topic in todays flattened global business environment. The economic downturn has further brought attention to the importance of people in delivering the brand promise. Increasingly the shareholder value of a company rests in its intangible assets e.g. its people, reputation and culture. Organizations spend millions on their corporate brand. But how much do they invest in their Employer Brand? Employer branding plays an important role in attracting and retaining talent in the face of a shrinking talent pool. HR professionals are considered primarily responsible for employer branding initiatives, with most of the companies reporting HR as one of the key stakeholders in employer brand management. While employer branding is predominantly seen as the domain of HR, marketing also plays an important role 2.0 Literature review: 2.1 What is Branding? It is a way to package information about functional attributes, economic value, and psychological benefits so its easily understood and absorbed by the target audience. Marketers today engage in two different types of branding namely external branding and employer (internal) branding. The latter yet to pick up in full speed, has tremendous potential in this increasingly competitive scenario. 2.2 External Branding Defining External Branding: The image that an organization projects to consumers, suppliers, investors, and the public. An external brand gives information on the attributes of the goods or services to current and potential buyers. It answers questions such as: 2.3 Internal Branding Defining Employer Branding: The image that employees have about what what type of employer an organization is. Whether the brand is explicit or implicit- and even if it has not been deliberately developed- every organization has an internal brand. An Employer Brand (or Internal Brand) gives current and potential employees information about the employment experience and what is expected of them. It answers questions such as: Employer branding can be defined as a form of the corporate branding by which companies establish an image of services they provide, in order to attract or motivate employees (Bates, 2001).The below provides an overview of the different types of branding. Product branding focuses on communication to customers about the companys products. Corporate branding communicates the companys financial results to the stakeholders. In the marketing literature, the importance of reconciling perceptions of the firms internal and external image in managing the congruence of all brand messages has been recognized (Dukerich and Carter 2000; Duncan and Moriarty 1998). Not only does this positively influence the perceptions of these messages among employees, potential employees, and customers, but it also ensures that employees are properly aligned with the brand and what it represents (Keller 2002). This allows employees to live the brand and reinforces corporate values and expectations of performance among new and existing employees (Ind 2001). Ind also recognizes that some companies have de facto employer brands without a formalized marketing approach. However, at a time when the financial markets are increasingly recognizing human capital as a source of value for firms and shareholders (Cairncross 2000); Michaels et al. (2001) propose the explicit development and communication of the Employee Value Proposition (EV P) to attract and retain talented employees. Clearly, there are a number of different marketing inputs that contribute towards the formation of the employer brand, from the development of an EVP to recruitment marketing plans, and outputs which may require advertising, press coverage, sponsorship, word-of-mouth endorsement and contacts with employees (Kennedy 1977; Dowling 1994 2002; Stuart 1999). In this way, the formation of the employer brand image is closely associated with the firm in its role as an employer. In the recruitment literature, Gatewood et al. (1993) find that the employer brand image is a particularly significant predictor of early decisions made by new recruits about their employers. Turban et al (1998) find that employer brand image positively influences both applicant perceptions of recruiter behaviors and post-interview job and organizational attributes. As to how potential recruits form images of a particular organization, the phenomenon of signaling has been investigated and found to have an influence on employer brand image, particularly in the early stages of the recruitment process (Taylor Bergmann, 1987). That is, recruitment experiences are taken as signals of unknown organisational characteristics (Barber, 1998; Rynes, Bretz and Gerhart 1991). For example, job applicants may infer employer brand values based on their recruitment materials e.g. an organization that emphasizes promotion and salary may be perceived as valuing dedication to career (Honeycutt Rosen 1 997). Also, Goltz and Giannantonio (1995) found that recruits infer more positive characteristics about an organization when exposed to a friendly recruiter than an unfriendly one. Moreover, Rynes, Bretz and Gerhart (1991) find that line employees have a bigger signaling impact than staff recruiters and that both are conditioned by the feedback of applicants regarding their impressions of the employer brand image. Very often employer branding is thought to be restricted to recruitment communications and only be concerned with the attraction of employees. In reality however, this is not the case. An employer brand explains how the organisation has been communicating and engaging with all of its stake holders be it current, prospective or past employees. Another critical thing to be noticed is that unlike other branding initiatives, an employer brand is not a true brand in its own right. It is not something envisioned and executed by recruitment and advertising agencies that stands alone and separate. An employer brand will be successful only if it operates in conjunction with the organisations corporate and consumer brands. It therefore becomes pertinent to find a connect between employer brand and the existing brands and reflect the behaviours exhibited throughout the organisation, to investors and consumers. It should be able to bring out the real and the aspirational truth about working in an organisation and mirror the values that are exhibited through the external corporate and consumer brands. If there is a disconnect between the two, the brand promise that is given to new employees will vanish as the reality of working in a very different organisation to the one promised. The roots of the concept of employer branding stretch back to the 1990s. However, due to uncomfortable market conditions and a grim recession, the concept could not flourish completely and it has only been in the last five years that employer branding has become a major force. In 1996, Simon Barrow and Tim Ambler gave this definition: We define the Employer Brand as the package of functional, economic and psychological Benefits provided by employment and identified with the employing company. The most significant role of employer branding is to provide a comprehensive framework for management to be able to define priorities, increase productivity and improve recruitment, retention and commitment. Employer branding may seem superficial from a certain point of view, since it is not directly helping in increasing the sales s and thus impacting bottom lines but it is definitely here to stay. Organisations have realised that its people provide one of the few distinct competitive differentiators in todays world. Good talent management makes sense and employer branding is an important part of an organisations armoury from now on. In order to be able to create a successful employer brand, there are three critical stakeholders who must be involved. Senior management: to give insight into the vision, strategic intent, core objectives, competition landscape and understanding of consumers attitudes towards the organisation. Key employee groups: in order to give opinions on the activities that take place on the work floor, benefits, management and communication within the organisation. Relevant external labour pools: to highlight their understanding of an organisation, any roadblocks to success and perception of the organisation in the market. Like all other kinds of branding exercises, employer branding does and will pay off. Following are some benefits to a good employer branding exercise: True differentiation in campuses from where recruitment is done Enthusiastic and aspirational set of messages to be sent out to potential as well as existing employees Mainting a brand consistency through the candidate/new starter journey A better understanding of how the organization is perceived externally Higher engagement levels for the existing employees Financial returns can also be observed in the long run through efficient employer branding practices. If the right kind of employer branding exercise is done, it will lead to a reduction in the amount of money needed to invest to bring good people into the business. The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is an important outcome of employer brand. It essentially comprises of the promise that the organization makes to current, future and potential employees. In the process of defining an employer brand, the organizations EVP is automatically created. For example, on a recent employer branding project for HSBC, it was found that the central tenet of the organisation was the investment in, and development of, their employees. The organisation invests hugely in its people, there are opportunities to work locally, nationally and internationally. Because of these reasons the EVP that was developed for HSBC was Here you can. As mentioned earlier, Employer branding is not just about reaching potential employees but also about the existing ones. It is about an employer promise which is consistently carried through all stages of employees experiences of that organisation through recruitment processes, into employment and then even after having left the organization. There is a strong correlation between the engagement and commitment levels and the different stages in the lifecyle of the tenure in an organization. An employee who joins an organisation with an exemplary EVP will exhibit high levels of commitment compared to if he were joining the organization with a poor EVP. After a year, if the EVP is correctly managed, commitment will fall but not as low as the commitment level in organisations with a poor EVP. 2.4 Current Scenario A lot of work has been done on employer branding, its importance, characteristics etc. Firms from diverse industry sectors have formally defined, and are strategically managing, their employer brands. There is no doubt that many practitioners view having a successful employer brand as desirable but there has not been much progress on measuring the effectiveness of employer branding. Quantifying employer branding is very critical from new talent point of view as an index is psychologically better conceived and also making a comparison among organizations. Currently analytics companies such as Hewitt Associates and Mercer conduct surveys for the best employer brands once every year based on certain parameters. However, these surveys are valid only for a certain period of time and there is no mechanism to compute the value of an employer brand at any other point of time. 2.5 Absence of Measurement of Effectiveness of Employer Branding: Sixty-two percent of respondents to a recent survey said they support employer brand initiatives, but only 24% have metrics in place to measure these initiatives. The research was conducted by the Bernard Hodes Global Network. Not surprisingly, The study reveals that a key driver for employer brand development is the need to acquire talent in a competitive global market, said Alan Schwartz, president and CEO. Other findings of the research include: The most frequently cited key expectations of employer branding were ease in attracting candidates (84%) and recognition as employer of choice(82%). Ninety-four percent of respondents use their corporate Web sites more than other channels, such as printed materials, to promote the employer brand. Seventy-nine percent of respondents reported that HR is one of the key stakeholders in managing the employee brand. 3.0 Research Objective The objective of the research is to develop a quantitative frame work on employer branding of organizations. As a first phase of this work, I would first identify key metrics to measure employer branding. The second phase of the study would develop a generic framework which would help new talent and/or organization to calculate the index of a brand as an employer. 4.0 Rationale Such a mathematical framework would help to estimate and compare the value of an employer brand at any point of time that would benefit all the stakeholders including current employees, potential recruits, competitors etc. It would enable organizations to understand if their efforts are in the right direction and how they stand vis-a-vis their competitors 5.0 Hypothesis All organizations make efforts to establish themselves as sought after employer brands. However, the perception of the employer brand varies from person to person be it a new talent or an existing employee. 6.0 Research Questions Identifying key attributes that employees/ new talent consider important when looking at an organization as an employer brand. Relative weightages given to the attributes identified above Developing an index to calculate comparable values for various employer brands across industries Research Methodology Research Design The study was divided in two phases. First phase was focussed on conducting an in depth secondary research along with qualitative primary research to identify wide range of attributes or metrics which impact employer branding of an organization. This was followed by the designing of questionnaire targeted at final year students at various post graduate colleges. The second phase of the study further analyzes the collected data to build up a mathematical relationship between these set of attributes and index of employer branding. The index would be a guide for new recruits to quantify the employer brand and also help them to compare employer branding of different employers. A total of 3 focus group discussions were conducted, which had respondents who were in their final year of graduation and could also be looked at as potential employment seekers. The participants in the FGD were students from management institutes like MICA, Lal Bahadur Shastri (Delhi) and Fore School (Delhi). Each group lasted for about approximately 90 minutes. The discussion guide contained questions about the respondents ideal workplaces, naming the organizations that they would like to work for and the reasons for it, the attributes considered while considering potential employers, employers that they would least be interested in along with the reasons for it. The discussion finally concluded with the means and methods by which the students finally go about for seeking employment. The main objective of conducting focus group discussions was to come up with a set of attributes that capture all important aspects of employer branding. Through these focus group discussions I was able to arrive at a set of 48 attributes, all of which seemed extremely important from an ideal work place point of view. The following are the attributes that emerged from the various FGDs.: A friendly and informal working environment An attractive overall compensation package (Basic, HRA, LTA) (fixed component) Application of knowledge Bonuses (Variable Component) Brand name of the organization Customer-orientation Emotional attachment with organization Encouragement for new initiatives Feel good factor with the organization Financial Health of Company Flexible working schedule Frequency of appraisal cycle Gaining career-enhancing experience Global alignment of the organization (MNC) Good relationship with colleagues Good relationship with superiors Growth opportunities Humanitarian organisation gives back to society Impression formed by recruiters of the organization Industry in which company operates Innovative employer novel work practices Innovative products and services Internationally diverse mix of colleagues Job Content Job content and satisfaction Job security within the organization Knowledge sharing opportunities Knowledgeable supervisor Leadership style of supervisor Non-monitory benefits (medical check-ups, insurance at work place, club memberships, maternity/ paternity leave) Opportunities for overseas exposure Positive feedback from current or previous employees Products (essentials, luxury etc) Quality of Top Management Reputation of the organization Rewards recognition Scope for creativity Scope for lateral movement Stock Options Stress-free working environment Supportive and encouraging colleagues Supportive supervisor Synchronization between corporate goals and employee future plans Training and development of its employees Vision of Leadership Website of the organization Working hours/ week Working in shifts All these attributes were tested in the survey instrument to arrive at the final set of metrices for measuring the value of employer branding. Employer Branding in Times of Recession There are various points of views on how recession has impacted employer branding. On one hand, the thought process says that recession has increased the human resources because of widespread layoffs and thus made employer branding relatively less important. During the recession periods, one of the primary objectives in all the organizations was to increase the top lines while managing to reduce the bottom lines. And this was made possible by showing a number of employees the way out. Another point of view towards the impact of recession claims that it is at these times that an organizations behaviour towards its employees goes through a litmus test. This is the time for organizations to ensure not to spoil their employer brand by large scale termination of employment or general misbehaviour with its existing employees. Infact this is the time to step in and make efforts towards strengthening the employer brand along with being able to retain the talent in the organization. As has been noted by many HR experts, it always easier to retain an existing and trained employee rather than to get a new one. Thus, to conclude according to this second school of thought, employer branding becomes all the more critical in times of recession, making it even more important to retain existing talent. Data Collection Respondents: 102 respondents from Delhi and Ahmedabad, all in the final year of graduation from management institutes. Section 1: Demographics The demographics include variables such as gender, age, total number of years of work experience, monthly household income, area of management specialization. DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE: GENDER What is your gender? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1. Male 64 62.7 62.7 62.7 2. Female 38 37.3 37.3 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0 DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE: AGE What is your age? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1. Under 20 years 7 6.9 6.9 6.9 2. 20-24 years 68 66.7 66.7 73.5 3. 25-34 years 3 2.9 2.9 76.5 4. 35-44 years 23 22.5 22.5 99.0 5. 45 years and above 1 1.0 1.0 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0 DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE: TOTAL NUMBER OF YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE What is your total number of years of work experience? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1. No experience 29 28.4 28.4 28.4 2. Less than a year 35 34.3 34.3 62.7 3. 1-2 years 30 29.4 29.4 92.2 4. 2-3 years 5 4.9 4.9 97.1 5. More than 3 years 3 2.9 2.9 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0 DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE: MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME What is your monthly household income? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1. less than Rs. 25,000 8 7.8 7.8 7.8 2. Rs. 25,000- Rs. 50,000 18 17.6 17.6 25.5 3. Rs. 50,000- Rs. 1,00,000 59 57.8 57.8 83.3 4. More than Rs. 1,00,000 17 16.7 16.7 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0 DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE: AREA OF SPECIALIZATION What is your area of specialization? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1. Marketing 36 35.3 35.3 35.3 2. Media 20 19.6 19.6 54.9 3. Market Research/ Analytics 10 9.8 9.8 64.7 4. Finance 30 29.4 29.4 94.1 5. HR 5 4.9 4.9 99.0 6. Operations 1 1.0 1.0 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0 DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE: ASPIRED INDUSTRY Which industry do you aspire to work in? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1. Consulting 43 42.2 42.2 42.2 2. Manufacturing 17 16.7 16.7 58.8 3. Media 14 13.7 13.7 72.5 4. IT 3 2.9 2.9 75.5 5. Finance 18 17.6 17.6 93.1 6. Others 7 6.9 6.9 100.0 Total 102 100.0 100.0 Section 2: Information Sought This section includes the data collected to understand the sources of information used by students to know more about a potential employer and the nature of information that is sought while developing an understanding about the potential employer. SOURCES OF INFORMATION TO KNOW ABOUT A GIVEN COMPANY What are your sources of information to know about a given company?1. Peers Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 70 68.6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 32 31.4 Total 102 100.0 What are your sources of information to know about a given company?2. Colleagues Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 41 40.2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 61 59.8 Total 102 100.0 What are your sources of information to know about a given company?3. Family members Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 33 32.4 100.0 100.0 Missing System 69 67.6 Total 102 100.0 What are your sources of information to know about a given company?4. Online search Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 72 70.6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 30 29.4 Total 102 100.0 What are your sources of information to know about a given company?5. Company personnel Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 51 50.0 100.0 100.0 Missing System 51 50.0 Total 102 100.0 What are your sources of information to know about a given company?6. Press reports Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 30 29.4 100.0 100.0 Missing System 72 70.6 Total 102 100.0 What are your sources of information to know about a given company?7. Others Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 22 21.6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 80 78.4 Total 102 100.0 NATURE OF INFORMATION SOUGHT What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?1. Type of work Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 62 60.8 100.0 100.0 Missing System 40 39.2 Total 102 100.0 What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?2. Investor information Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 24 23.5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 78 76.5 Total 102 100.0 What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?3. Personal experience of employees in that company Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 42 41.2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 60 58.8 Total 102 100.0 What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?4. Best Employers Survey ranking Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 25 24.5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 77 75.5 Total 102 100.0 What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?5. Work life balance Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 50 49.0 100.0 100.0 Missing System 52 51.0 Total 102 100.0 What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?6. Pay packages Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 71 69.6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 31 30.4 Total 102 100.0 What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company?7. Others Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 33 32.4 100.0 100.0 Missing System 69 67.6 Total 102 100.0 Section 3: Reliability Analysis This analysis has been done to study the properties of measurement scales and the items that compose the scales. The Reliability Analysis procedure calculates a number of commonly used measures of scale reliability and also provides information about the relationships between individual items in the scale. Alpha (Cronbach) model of reliability has been used to check for internal consistency, based on the average inter-item correlation. Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid 102 100.0 Excludeda 0 .0 Total 102 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha Cronbachs Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items .874 .892 48 Cut-off criteria. By convention, a lenient cut-off of .60 is common in exploratory research; alpha should be at least .70 or higher to retain an item in an adequate scale; and many researchers require a cut-off of .80 for a good scale. The Cronback Alpha in this case is .874 and thus, the data set is consistent. Section 4: Factor Analysis Principal Component Analysis has been conducted on the collected data in order to establish a relationship between inter-related variables and to represent them through a set of a few underlying factors. It would help in identifying the intrinsic factors thus, examining the inter dependent relationships. The following are the specifics on the factor analysis: 1. Descriptives 1. Initial solution 2. Correlation matrix 1. Coefficients 2. KMO and Bartletts 2. Extraction 1. Analyze Correlation matrix 2. Display Screen plot 3. Extract Eigenvalues over 1 4. Rotation Varimax (uncorrelated factors) 5. Options Sort by size and Suppress values less than .20 Output of Factor Analysis: Total Variance Explained Component Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % dimension0 1 10.001 20.836 20.836 9.357 19.493 19.493 2 7.845 16.344 37.180 6.465 13.468 32.962 3 5.768 12.016 49.196 5.812 12.109 45.071 4 4.211 8.774 57.970 4.503 9.382 54.453 5 3.696 7.700 65.670 4.468 9.307 63.760 6 2.942 6.130 71.800 3.859 8.039 71.800 7 2.413 5.028 76.827 8 1.975 4.115 80.943 9 1.499 3.122 84.065 10 1.237 2.576 86.641 11 1.078 2.246 88.887 12 .944 1.966 90.853 13 .847 1.764 92.617 14 .700 1.459 94.076 15 .497 1.035 95.111 16 .485 1.010 96.121 17 .343 .714 96.834 18 .299 .623 97.458 19 .228 .474 97.932 20 .216 .451 98.383 21 .201 .419 98.802 22 .135 .281 99.083 23 .124 .258 99.341 24 .108 .225 99.566 25 .080 .166 99.732 26 .050 .105 99.837 27 .039 .081 99.918 28 .023 .047 99.965 29 .017 .035 100.000 30 2.387E-15 4.972E-15 100.000 31 1.775E-15 3.697E-15 100.000 32 1.431E-15 2.981E-15 100.000 33 1.324E-15 2.758E-15 100.000 34 8.735E-16 1.820E-15 100.000 35 7.130E-16 1.485E-15 100.000 36 6.304E-16 1.313E-15 100.000 37 3.839E-16 7.998E-16 100.000 38 3.207E-16 6.682E-16 100.000 39 2.737E-16 5.701E-16 100.000 40 -1.186E-18 -2.471E-18 100.000 41 -2.250E-16 -4.687E-16 100.000 42 -2.363E-16 -4.922E-16 100.000 43 -3.956E-16 -8.242E-16 100.000 44 -6.063E-16 -1.263E-15 100.000 45 -9.867E-16 -2.056E-15 100.000 46 -1.635E-15 -3.406E-15 100.000 47 -1.869E-15 -3.893E-15 100.000 48 -3.412E-15 -7.109E-15 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 An attractive overall compensation package (Basic, HRA, LTA) (fixed component)] .864 .196 .137 Bonuses (Variable Component) ] .406 .193 -.230 -.120 .229 -.101 Stock Options] .663 -.260 .313 .130 -.243 -.305 Non-monitory benefits (medical check-ups, insurance at work place, club memberships, maternity/ paternity leave) ] .241 .252 -.229 -.320 Positive feedback from current or previous employees ] .151 .877 .130 .167 Industry in which company operates] .934 .107 Financial Health of Company ] .898 .139 .142 Synchronization between corporate goals and employee future plans] .107 -.216 .847 Brand name of the organization] .114 .142 .902 -.126 Reputation of the organization] .850 .181 -.146 .124 Frequency of appraisal cycle ] -.101 .255 .175 .585 A friendly and informal working environment ] .717 -.253 .391 .287 -.210 -.141 Feel good factor with the organization] .248 .135 .276 .618 Innovative employer novel work practices] .184 .878 .126 .101 Innovative products and services ] .174 .173 .199 -.222 Humanitarian organisation gives back to society ] -.101 .122 .899 Customer-orientation] .918 .141 Training and development of its employees] .924 Stress-free working environment] .900 .143 .126 .149 Opportunities for overseas exposure ] .905 .119 -.135 Global alignment of the organization (MNC)] .249 .153 -.287 -.297 .130 -.219 Products (essentials, luxury etc)] .148 .882 .102 Good relationship with colleagues] .946 .108 Supportive and encouraging colleagues ] .145 .192 .102 .904 Internationally diverse mix of colleagues] .122 .904 Supportive supervisor ] .949 Knowledgeable supervisor ] .350 -.417 .132 .103 Leadership style of supervisor] .361 .159 .248 Quality of Top Management] .124 .172 .109 .898 Good relationship with superiors] .169 .906 Vision of Leadership ] .870 .140 .163 Job content and satisfaction] .859 .185 .174 Encouragement for new initiatives] .665 -.253 .441 .318 -.226 Rewards recognition] .874 .222 -.116 .167 Job security within the organization] .686 -.248 .426 .303 -.247 Working in shifts] .447 -.174 -.158 -.269 -.262 Flexible working schedule] .125 .905 .132 Working hours/ week ] .433 -.208 -.125 -.291 -.259 Gaining career-enhancing experience ] .810 .177 -.102 Scope for creativity] .202 -.180 .852 Knowledge sharing opportunities ] .638 -.290 .451 .267 -.282 -.126 Application of knowledge ] .614 -.305 .455 .280 -.279 -.137 Emotional attachment with organization] .183 -.231 -.168 .748 Scope for lateral movement ] .736 -.229 .403 .294 -.216 -.118 Growth opportunities ] .865 .212 .192 .117 Website of the organization] -.156 .118 .134 .453 Job Content] .754 .101 .229 Impression formed by recruiters of the organization ] .369 .222 .179 -.110 .528 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 23 iterations. Component Score Covariance Matrix Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 dimension0 1 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2 .000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 3 .000 .000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 4 .000 .000 .000 1.000 .000 .000 5 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.000 .000 6 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. With the 6 factors, explaining 71.8% of the variance, these factors have been taken forward. The following table shows a summary of the factor analysis report: Compensation Related Factor An attractive overall compensation package (Basic, HRA, LTA) (fixed component) Bonuses (Variable Component) Stock Options Non-monitory benefits (medical check-ups, insurance at work place, club memberships, maternity/ paternity leave) Organization Related Factor Positive feedback from current or previous employees Industry in which company operates Financial Health of Company Synchronization between corporate goals and employee future plans Brand name of the organization Reputation of the organization Frequency of appraisal cycle A friendly and informal working environment Feel good factor with the organization Innovative employer novel work practices Innovative products and services Humanitarian organisation gives back to society Customer-orientation Training and development of its employees Stress-free working environment Opportunities for overseas exposure Global alignment of the organization (MNC) Products (essentials, luxury etc) Colleagues related Factor Good relationship with colleagues Supportive and encouraging colleagues Internationally diverse mix of colleagues Management related Factor Supportive supervisor Knowledgeable supervisor Leadership style of supervisor Quality of Top Management Good relationship with superiors Vision of Leadership Organisation related Factor Job content and satisfaction Encouragement for new initiatives Rewards recognition Job security within the organization Working in shifts Flexible working schedule Working hours/ week Gaining career-enhancing experience Scope for creativity Knowledge sharing opportunities Application of knowledge Emotional attachment with organization Scope for lateral movement Growth opportunities Recruitment related Factor Website of the organization Job Content Impression formed by recruiters of the organization Questionnaire Q1. What is your gender? 1. Male 2. Female Q2. What is your age? 1. Under 20 years 2. 20-24 years 3. 25-34 years 4. 35-44 years 5. 45 years and above Q3. What is your total number of years of work experience? 1. No experience 2. Less than a year 3. 1-2 years 4. 2-3 years 5. More than 3 years Q4. What is your monthly household income? 1. less than Rs. 25,000 2. Rs. 25,000- Rs. 50,000 3. Rs. 50,000- Rs. 1,00,000 4. More than Rs. 1,00,000 Q5. What is your area of specialization? 1. Marketing 2. Media 3. Market Research/ Analytics 4. Finance 5. HR 6. Operations 7. Others (Please specify) Q6. Which industry do you aspire to work in? 1. Consulting 2. Manufacturing 3. Media 4. IT 5. Finance 6. Others (Please Specify) Q7. What are your sources of information to know about a given company? 1. Peers 2. Colleagues 3. Family members 4. Online search 5. Company personnel 6. Press reports 7. Others (Please specify) Q8. What is the nature of information you look for when applying to a company? 1. Type of work 2. Investor information 3. Personal experience of employees in that company 4. Best Employers Survey ranking 5. Work life balance 6. Pay packages 7. Others (Please specify) Q9. Please indicate your priorities of following factors which you may consider while evaluating a prospective employer. You should mark 1 to indicate the first priority, 2 for second priority and so on.. 1. Compensation and benefits 2. Work Profile and environment 3. Company and its future growth plans 4. People and Management 5. Policies and Practices of the company Q10. To understand your criteria to evaluate an employer better, please indicate the importance of below listed factors on your evaluation process: Strongly unimportant Unimportant Slightly unimportant Slightly Important Important Strongly Important An attractive overall compensation package (Basic, HRA, LTA) (fixed component) Bonuses (Variable Component) Stock Options Non-monitory benefits (medical check-ups, insurance at work place, club memberships, maternity/ paternity leave) Job content and satisfaction Promotion to new initiatives Rewards and recognition Job security within the organisation Working in shifts Flexible working schedule Working hours/ week Gaining career-enhancing experience Scope for creativity Opportunity to apply knowledge Knowledge sharing opportunities Emotional attachment with organization Scope for lateral movement Growth opportunities Supportive supervisor Knowledgeable supervisor Leadership style of supervisor Top management Good relationship with superiors Vision of Leadership Good relationship with colleagues Supportive and encouraging colleagues Internationally diverse mix of colleagues Positive feedback from current or previous employees Industry in which company operates Financial Health of Company Synchronization between corporate goals and employee future plans Brand name of the organization Reputation of the organization Geographical location of the organization Frequency of appraisal cycle A friendly and informal working environment Feel good factor with the organization Innovative employer novel work practices Innovative products and services Products and services organization produces Humanitarian organisation gives back to society Customer-orientation Training and development of its employees Stress-free working environment Opportunities for overseas exposure Global alignment of the organization (MNC) Website of the organization Designation of the position Recruitment process Discussion Guideline for FGD Introduction Dear friends, I am Gauri Gupta, a student pursuing post graduate diploma in communications management from Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA). MICA is a management school and specializes in marketing communications. As a part of the course requirement, I am currently doing a study on measuring the impact of employer branding. I thank all of you for taking out precious time from your busy schedules and welcome you to this discussion. I along with my co-moderator, Anita will be talking to you about various employer brands and your perceptions about them. It is important for my research that all of you speak without any hesitation. There is no right or wrong answer and that we only want their opinions. Now if all you can introduce yourselves by sharing your name, family details, work profile, education and activities and interests with the rest of us. Ice breaker: So you must all be looking forward to joining the corporate life very soon. How would you define an ideal work environment? Discussion on the following areas: Would you like to name some of the organizations where you aspire to work? Can you share the reasons why you want to join this particular organization? What do you know about the organization? And what is your source of information for it? What are the various attributes that you would consider when looking at an organization from the point of view of potential employment. Which companies would you least be interested in for purposes of employment? Why do you feel this way? Could you share some parameters on the basis of which you compare various organizations? Closure Statement: Thank you so much for your time and your valuable inputs!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Germany Borders Various Different Countries - 1156 Words

Germany borders various different countries. German land spans across 138,000 square miles KidPort. (2012) describes Germany as one of the major Industrial and economic powers in Europe. It describes it as having many rolling plains which make good farm land. They also state that â€Å"Almost 80% of the German people live in cities or towns..† Mexico is bordered by the United States to the north and multiple countries to the southeast. Mexico has been described as having a â€Å"highly varied topography that consists of rugged mountains with high elevations, deserts, high plateaus and low coastal plains.† The earliest settlements in Mexico were those of the Olmec, Maya, Toltec and Aztec. These settlers developed various types of modernized civilisation long before european settlement. Issue Mexico Germany Water As most recently recorded by WHO/UNICEF (2015) drinking water coverage (piped into premises) is at a total rise of 17% since 1990, sitting at a total of 92% coverage as of 2015. Water in Mexico is used for various things, the most consumption comes from agricultural factors, which uses 77% of all water. Due to the useage being quite large in agricultural avenues, the lack of water could subsequently cause a lack of food, this could also lead to declines in things produced within the industry. Mexican governments released an advertising campaign called â€Å"February 2010: The City May Run Out of Water†, speaking of the rise of demand vs. the availability of resources. Currently,Show MoreRelatedWhat Is The Federal Republic Of Germany1032 Words   |  5 PagesRepublic of Germany is a country located in north-central Europe and the seventh largest country in Europe. The country lies at the center of Europe and shares more borders with other countries than any other in Europe. The capital city is Berlin, which is over 775 years old and is the most populated city in the country. Before the nation of Germany formed, it was the capital of Prussia, that later developed into the Federal Republic of Germany. The country borders not only other countries, but alsoRead MoreTreaty of Versailles1324 Words   |  6 Pagesthe treaty along with its unfair orders to Germany led to the worlds most horrific leader come to power and also set the platform for another war. The treaty became a worldwide example of history how greed and injustice can lead to disasters no one thought possible. World War I came to an end on November 11, 1918. Germany had surrendered and signed the Armistice agreement. The Allies were engaged in tailoring a peace settlement with a defeated Germany. In December of 1918, the Allied leaders metRead MoreEurope, The Catholic Church, And The Refugees Of Refugees Essay1675 Words   |  7 Pageswell-developed European countries. The majority of Europe is Christian, with a large portion of that being Catholic, and so in the midst of this situation it is crucial to examine how European responses to the migrant crisis have compared to the Catholic Church’s position on migration, to see if people are truly putting their religion into practice. The European migrant crisis began in 2015 when there was an influx of refugees coming into the European Union through southern European countries and by way ofRead MorePost Brexit1421 Words   |  6 PagesGroup 2 Investment Bank – a large US Investment Bank has been based in London, and due to concerns over the regulatory framework post Brexit creating uncertainty is looking for a new location to setup within the Single Market so as to reduce any cross-border risk or political turmoil that may occur. This paper will review Frankfurt as a possible location, and considers the reasons for moving to this location and risks associated – political and economic at an international level. Frankfurt itself hasRead MoreThe Holocaust And Jewish Oppression 1933-19451547 Words   |  7 PagesThe Holocaust and Jewish Oppression 1933-1945 Historically, people have apparently really disliked Judaism, from their oppression(and various counts of genocide and mass murder over several hundred years) at the hands of the Romans and later the Byzantines, oppression at the hands of Muslims, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the hundreds of blood libels incited by Christians from 700 CE to 1950 CE, their persecution, and murder, at the hands of Russian in in the early 1900s(and earlier), andRead MoreRevolution of 18481143 Words   |  5 Pages1848, class status defined every citizen s place in the social, political, and economic order causing problems throughout Germany. Due to the separation of the states, some Germans advocated German unification under a single constitutional monarchy; however, after the defeat of Napoleon, their dreams were crushed. Developing power was scattered among three hundred different states consolidated under the Holy Roman Empire. Powerful regions like Prussia and Austria gained increasing authority overRead MoreThe Effects Of Historical Effects On Modern Economic Development1637 Words   |  7 Pagesinstitutions, such as value differences. In general, values tend to persist over generations if circumstances do not change dramatically (Giuliano Nunn, 2017). For example, Becker et al. (2015) found that the population residing within the former border of the Habsburg Empire has a more trusting attitude towards state institutions. Since value differences persist across populations, and are inherently linked with decision-making, it is important to consider if and how they may translate into individuals’Read MoreWhy Stalin Built The Iron Curtain Essays667 Words   |  3 PagesUnion (USSR,) where as Western Europe enjoyed freedom. It was a border set up by Joseph Stalin, the ruler of the USSR in the years after the Second World War. The term the Iron Curtain, was first introduced in Winston Churchills long speech, an Iron curtain has descended across the continent, on March 5th, 1946. Churchills speech triggered Stalin to tighten the Iron Curtain. Stalin had various reasons for setting up the Iron Curtain. He assumed he had the rightRead MoreThe Beginning to World Instability: World War I956 Words   |  4 PagesFrench villages completely destroyed on the Western Front during World War I, six remain uninhabited to this day. Undisputedly, World War I had a tremendous impact on the people of many countries. Map changes in Europe and the Middle East, the Treaty of Versailles with its political and economic impact on Germany, and fear over the installation of Russian communism were among the negative legacies of World War I. Combined they would contribute to an unstable geopolitical climate inevitably leadingRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles, Reparations, And The Locarno Pact1528 Words   |  7 Pagespeace treaties amongst the Allied and Associated Powers and the conquered Central Powers it led to the rise of the treaty of Versailles. The progression of the treaties that were discussed in the Paris Peace conference, are what formed the new countries and borders that reshaped the entire map of the world and also resulted in many Empires becoming economically unstable. The Paris Peace Conference began with the leaders of the Allied Powers and their contributions were: Wilson’s fourteen points, the Treaty

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Users Guide to Time Phrases in Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese has time-related phrases that clarify when the action in a sentence is happening. These expressions are similar to English terms like, yesterday or the day before yesterday. Here is a list of common time expressions, which we will explore in more detail below: Days today - ä »Å Ã¥ ¤ © - jÄ «n tiÄ nyesterday - æ˜ ¨Ã¥ ¤ © - zuà ³ tiÄ nthe day before yesterday - å‰ Ã¥ ¤ © - qià ¡n tiÄ ntomorrow - 明å ¤ © - mà ­ng tiÄ nthe day after tomorrow - Ã¥ ¾Å'Ã¥ ¤ © (trad) /Ã¥ Å½Ã¥ ¤ © (simp) - hà ²u tiÄ n Years this year - ä »Å Ã¥ ¹ ´ - jÄ «n nià ¡nlast year - åŽ »Ã¥ ¹ ´ - qà ¹ nià ¡ntwo years ago - å‰ Ã¥ ¹ ´ - qià ¡n nià ¡nnext year - 明å ¹ ´ - mà ­ng nià ¡ntwo years from now - Ã¥ ¾Å'Ã¥ ¹ ´ / Ã¥ Å½Ã¥ ¹ ´ - hà ²u nià ¡n Weeks and Months The prefixes for weeks and months are as follows: this week - 這個星æÅ"Ÿ / è ¿â„¢Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ - zhà ¨ gà ¨ xÄ «ngqÄ «this month - 這個æÅ"ˆ / è ¿â„¢Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦Å"ˆ - zhà ¨ gà ¨ yuà ¨last week - ä ¸Å Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ / ä ¸Å Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ - shà  ng gà ¨ xÄ «ngqÄ «last month - ä ¸Å Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦Å"ˆ / ä ¸Å Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦Å"ˆ - shà  ng gà ¨ yuà ¨two weeks ago - ä ¸Å Ã¤ ¸Å Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ / ä ¸Å Ã¤ ¸Å Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ - shà  ng shà  ng gà ¨ xÄ «ngqÄ «two months ago - ä ¸Å Ã¤ ¸Å Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦Å"ˆ / ä ¸Å Ã¤ ¸Å Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦Å"ˆ - shà  ng shà  ng gà ¨ yuà ¨next week - ä ¸â€¹Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ / ä ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ - xià   gà ¨ xÄ «ngqÄ «next month - ä ¸â€¹Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦Å"ˆ / ä ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦Å"ˆ - xià   gà ¨ yuà ¨two weeks from now - ä ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ / ä ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ËœÅ¸Ã¦Å"Ÿ - xià   xià   gà ¨ xÄ «ng qÄ «two months from now - ä ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¦Å"ˆ / ä ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸â€¹Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦Å"ˆ - xià   xià   gà ¨ yuà ¨ Clarifications The time expressions for  days  and  years  have the same prefixes except for the previous time period: åŽ » (qà ¹) for  last year  and æ˜ ¨ (zuà ³) for  yesterday.   The time expressions for  year  can also be used for events which happen every year, such as anniversaries, school years, and vacations. For example: last year’s spring vacationåŽ »Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¦Ëœ ¥Ã¥ â€¡qà ¹ nià ¡n chÃ… «n jià   This same pattern can be used for events which follow weekly or monthly patterns, such as semesters or seasons: last summer - åŽ »Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ ¤ Ã¥ ¤ © - qà ¹ nià ¡n xià  tiÄ n

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Life of Galileo - 1545 Words

The Battle For Truth Throughout the course of history, from era to era, mankind has been on a continuous attempt to perpetuate what they perceive as the truth; and in doing so, embark on a quest to find their true identity and place in life. One must realize that the common theme in all literature is the search for identity and belonging. Bertolt Brecht, author of The Life of Galileo, effectively uses the developing character Galileo Galilei to portray a strong message; a message which five hundred years after the fact has still not been completely comprehended. Through Galileos continuous battle with the Church in prevailing his work, Brecht is telling the readers that in any one mans attempt to propagate the truth, whether it†¦show more content†¦....Everything is irrefutably seen to depend on me, man, the work of God, the creature at the centre, the image of God,.... (Brecht 40) LITTLE MONK: ...Youve won. GALILEO: It has won! Not me, reason has won! (Brecht 40) After the Old Cardinal implicitly tells Galileo that his research and teachings symbolize atheism, he is approached by Clavius whom tells Galileo that he is right and that he is invited to Rome to show his research. It is interesting to see Galileos response in crediting reason for his achievement. It is here where the reader sees Galileos thoughts and perceptions on life; that science and its achievements should not only be credited to the founder yet the society that encourages these findings; that the progress of human kind as a whole should be the objective of inventions. Using Galileo, Brecht continuously stresses these points throughout the play and is making it clear that he is against the notion of the discouragement of ideas, inventions, and thinking. Although external forces such as the church and other characters do not influence Galileos personal belief, there are also internal forces, such as the battle against self, that also influence Galileos perception on both his work and human kind. It is through his experiences with Andrea, the young protà ©gà © of Galileo, that we see the character of Galileo at the beginning of the play. InShow MoreRelatedThe Life of Galileo Themes778 Words   |  4 Pagestreasured above all else? In Bertolt Brechts, The life of Galileo, the idea of the Catholic church controlling information is a central theme. The conflict of intellectual freedom; between the individual and authority. The Life of Galileo  suggests that it is only through the process of questioning – and engaging that society can learn and grow, and one should treasure their intellectual freedom, as depicted through the main character, Galileo. When Galileo discovers new evidence about the rotation ofRead MoreThe Life of Galileo Galilei 609 Words   |  2 Pages Galileo Galilei is considered one of the greatest scientists of all time. He was an Italian mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who very strongly supported Copernicanism, which is the idea that the earth orbits the sun. It was hard to advocate Copernicanism because it was a very controversial idea during that time. Galileo was a leader in the Scientific Revolution. He made discoveries in the sciences of motion, astronomy, an d strength of materials. In motion, his famous scientificRead MoreThe Life of Galileo Context Essay.1518 Words   |  7 Pagesyoung again. For me, the liberty I do have only brings more questions and confusion into my life. The world doesn’t seem too exciting. As I am now so used to the idea of being ‘free’, in the sense of being able to choose what road I choose, when given boundaries sometimes i react by getting irritated and angry. I am not alone with these sentiments. We all oppose restrictions in different areas in our life. While physical and idealistic imprisonment can push us towards revolt, it is in our reactionRead MoreLife Of Galileo And Top Girls Analysis1542 Words   |  7 PagesLife of Galileo and Top Girls Life of Galileo and Top Girls are two plays that truly exemplify epic theater. They both tell stories in order to call the audience to some form of action, and they both alienate the audience from the characters. Epic theater’s purpose is â€Å"to cause the audience to think objectively about the play, to reflect on its argument, to understand it, and to draw conclusions† (â€Å"Epic Theater†). Therefore, for a work to be categorized as epic theater it must have an argumentRead MoreEssay on Life of Galileo Scene 71713 Words   |  7 PagesLife of Galileo, Scene 7: Brecht delineates the important episodes of the life of Galileo Galilei. The main matter of his life was the conflict between him and the Church. The church ultimately did shut him up but Galileo was still adamant to send his theory wherever he could. He wanted every person in the marketplace to know what he had discovered. And that is why in the very beginning when he faked the telescope he had allowed anyone and everyone who wanted to see the telescope to come and seeRead MoreEssay about The Life and Work of Galileo1360 Words   |  6 PagesThe Life and Work of Galileo Galileo Galilei is considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. He made life changing discoveries and mystified many with his knowledge. However, not all of his work was accepted well. Galileo challenged the church creating a controversy that will never be forgotten. Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy February 18, 1564. He was the son of Vincenzo Galilei, a member of a Nobel family, a musician and a mathematician. Galileo, at an early ageRead More The Life of Galileo and the Effects of his Findings on Faith1719 Words   |  7 PagesThe Life of Galileo and the Effects of his Findings on Faith Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, February 18, 1564. At an early age, Galileo was interested in mathematics and the study of mechanics. His father, a onetime mathematician, pushed him towards the medical profession, which held much greater financial benefits. But the attempts of Galileo’s father were in vein as Galileo soon discovered the works of Archimedes and became extremely interested. Thus, his father reluctantly allowedRead MoreThe Life and Work of John Calvin and Galileo Galilei Essay1156 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Calvin was born July 10th, 1509, in Noyon, Picardy. He was raised up in a staunch Roman Catholic family. Early in his life, Calvin’s father was employed by the local bishop as an administrator at the town’s cathedral. With this newly acquired job, John Calvin’s father wanted Calvin to be a priest. Due to the fact that his family had close ties with the bishop and his noble family, Calvin’s classmates in Noyon were aristocrati c and culturally influential in his childhood. At the age of fourteenRead MoreEssay about Quest for Identity in The Life of Galileo by Brecht1498 Words   |  6 PagesQuest for Identity in The Life of Galileo by Brecht Throughout the course of history, from era to era, mankind has been on a continuous attempt to perpetuate what they perceive as the truth; and in doing so, embark on a quest to find their true identity and place in life. One must realize that the common theme in all literature is the search for identity and belonging. Bertolt Brecht, author of The Life of Galileo, effectively uses the developing character Galileo Galilei to portray a strongRead MoreNicholas Copernicus : The Father Of Modern Science1728 Words   |  7 PagesGalileo Galilei, the most renowned scientist of the Renaissance period, or the â€Å"father of modern science† was known as a jack-of-all-trades: he was an astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician just to name a few. But perhaps what he is most known for is spurring the scientific revolution in the late seventeenth century. Galileo challenged what was then considered common knowledge for almost 30 years: for example, the idea of a heliocentric universe. The most controversial of

Death Finality or Everlasting Life Essay - 625 Words

The loss of a loved one is an emotional and personal experience, and everyone grieves in their own way. Before the healing process can begin, the deceased must be laid to rest and this is usually accomplished with a funeral service. Many people choose a piece to be read at these ceremonies, such as W.H. Auden’s â€Å"Funeral Blues† and Mary Elizabeth Frye’s â€Å"Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep.† It is quite thought-provoking to compare the poems, since the subject matter is the same, however each of these works views death from a different perspective, one negative and the other positive. Auden’s â€Å"Funeral Blues† is perceived through the eyes of the mourner. The tone is sad and the state of mind of the speaker is full of melancholy.†¦show more content†¦His entire world has been altered and the consequence is that â€Å"nothing now can ever come to any good.† It sounds as if the speaker wants to give up on life and has no hope of ever being able to love again. In contrast, Mary Elizabeth Frye’s â€Å"Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep† is seen through the eyes of the deceased unlike â€Å"Funeral Blues† which is seen through the eyes of the mourner. The tone of this poem is uplifting and gives the reader a sense of peace. Similar to â€Å"Funeral Blues,† the main theme is about death and its secondary theme is about love. Frye uses metaphors and symbolism to explain that death does not have to be final, and wants the reader to believe that the speaker did not die, but that she is present in all the beautiful things in nature. The speaker shows love for the survivors and wants to give them comfort by telling them â€Å"do not stand at my grave and weep† but to go out and enjoy life. She is telling her loved ones that her body is no longer on earth but her spirit is very much â€Å"alive† and that her memory will always be with them in their thoughts. The subject of both poems deals with the passing of a loved one, and each one’s view of death is compelling, however the impact of each poem depends on the frame of mind of the bereaved. There is a distinct difference between both works. â€Å"Funeral Blues† is depressing andShow MoreRelatedHamlets Second Soliloquy Essay927 Words   |  4 Pagescomments on ‘the Everlasting’ fixing his ‘canon ‘gainst self-slaughter’ in his first soliloquy, where he also condemns his flesh as ‘too too solid’, the same ‘sinews’ that he now calls upon to ‘bear [him] stiffly up’. One of the Ghosts most poignant effects on Hamlet is pointed out by L.C. Knights in Hamlet and Death, where he explains that â€Å"Hamlet’s exclusive concentration upon things rank and gross and his consequent recoil from life as a whole determine his attitude to death, which also is purelyRead More Buddism Essay969 Words   |  4 Pagesexistence in man of an immortal soul. The Enlightenment which dwells in life does not belong to one form of life. All that is mans changing and mortal; the Immortal is not any mans. The Buddha pointed out how no thing is the same at this moment as it was a moment ago. Even the everlasting hills are slowly being worn away, and every particle of the human body, even the hardest, is replaced every seven years. There is no finality or rest within this universe, only a ceaseless becoming and a never-endingRead MoreSonnet 73 Analysis Essay486 Words   |  2 PagesSonnet 73, the speaker uses a series of metaphors to characterize what he perceives to be the nature of his old age. This poem is not simply a procession of interchangeable metaphors; it is the story of the speaker slowly coming to grips with the finality of his age and his impermanence in time. In the first quatrain, the speaker contrasts his age is like a time of year,: late autumn, when the yellow leaves have almost completely fallen from the trees and the boughs shake against the coldRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1470 Words   |  6 Pagesnotion of mortality and suicide. Shakespeare proficiently juxtaposes this against the idea of life to highlight hamlet’s conflicted emotions. â€Å"Too too solid flesh would melt†¦ ‘Gainst self-slaughter. O God, God,† proficiently identifies Hamlet as living in a painful world, yet death would sentence him to eternal suffering in hell, due to the societal beliefs of Christianity. The painful nature of his life is evident through the effective use of emotive language, indicating that hamlet may suffer aRead MoreThe Golden Age Of Greece Essay1603 Words   |  7 Pages ‘I entreat you, by your life, by your knees, by your parents, do not let the dogs feed on me by the ships of the Achaians†¦ give my body to be taken home again, so that the Trojans and the wives of the Trojans may give me in death my rite of burning’ (22.338-343). This heart wrenching plea represents nearly the final words uttered by Hektor upon his death at the hands of Achilles. Hektor, who recently boasted of his martial prowess, vowing just moments before to do ‘some big thing first, thatRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Odysseus1497 Words   |  6 Pagescapable of dying, although they choose to act upon an overestimated mindset. The two journeys began similarly. Gilgamesh began his journey suffering from the loss of Enkidu and searching for immortality. He had the false assumption that he could avoid death because he was two-thirds god and one-third man. The people described him as â€Å"a star from heaven† (The Epic of Gilgamesh 63 Trans. N.K. Sandars). This mindset led him to his eventual downfall. Odysseus’ hubris is displayed when he overestimates hisRead MoreThe Inspirations from the Mayan Ballgame1515 Words   |  7 PagesPopol Vuh, the collection of stories describing Mayan mythistory, contains the origin of the ballgame, and in this story is embedded the framework of proper Mayan values and behavior. It is what Freidel, Schele, and Parker call â€Å"a charter for a way of life.† According to the Popol Vuh, the Hero Twins named Hunahpu and Xblalanque cross over into the Underworld, Xibalba. There they play the Lords of the domain in a series of ballgames risking their lives as they are also tested in various trials, hopingRead MoreDeath Is Not The End1762 Words   |  8 Pageshistory, people have refused to accept the finality that death brings to life. Death brings an unacceptable, sudden interruption to one’s work, plans, and relationships. Though the inscription on many tombstones often reads, Rest in Peace, the truth of the matter is that mos t people do not welcome the peaceful rest of the grave. They would rather be alive and productive† (Samuele Bacchiocchi). As a Christian it is important as a Christian to understnd that death Is not the end. If we live our lives accordingRead MoreEssay A Mortals Sense Of Immortality1802 Words   |  8 Pages A Mortalamp;#8217;s Sense of Immortality To fear death is to fear life itself. An overbearing concern for the end of life not only leads to much apprehension of the final moment but also allows that fear to occupy oneamp;#8217;s whole life. The only answer that can possibly provide relief in the shadow of the awaited final absolution lies in another kind of absolution, one that brings a person to terms with their irrevocable mortality and squelches any futile desire for immortality. Myths areRead MorePoetic Perceptions of Death Essay3253 Words   |  14 Pagesideas on death. Death is a common theme in any eras but it took a particular significance in the 19th century , especially in literature. As intense poets, both Dickinson and Tennyson shared their innermost views regarding death, particularly seen in Tennyson’s â€Å"Mariana†, â€Å"Crossing the Bar† and Dickinson’s â€Å"Because I could not stop for death† and â€Å"Behind me—dips Eternity.† In â€Å"Because I could not stop for death† and â€Å"Behind me—dips Eternity†, Dickinson challenges our perception of death. The depiction